Monday, February 22, 2016

Words of Wizdom...

So at the testing last Saturday, one of the students asked me what "words of wisdom" or "piece of advice" or "saying" or whatever did someone tell me that I have always cherished and/or found helpful growing up in martial arts.

(Understand that this was late in the day and so while I have tried as best I can to recreate the exact statement/question, I know that this is at best a paraphrase of it...)

I thought about it for a moment and then realized that one of the things (one of the "gems") that has always stuck with me is:

"Junior Belts RESPECT Senior Belts - Senior Belts LOVE Junior Belts"

A few posts ago I talked about Respect and my working definition of it.
"Love" requires more than just "treating with importance." 
Love - to me that means to try your best to do what is in the other person's best interest.

Sometimes it means being more patient. 
Sometimes it means pushing the Junior Belt even when you'd rather not ...
It might mean showing up when you'd prefer to stay home or go somewhere else.
It might mean showing up even knowing that they won't.
It might mean reaching out ... again and again... and maybe even again...
It might mean letting go ...

It means thinking about your actions and how it can/will/might affect the Junior Belt.
It means paying attention.
It means working for understanding.

And it definitely means trying to do what is in the Junior Belts best interest - as best you can...

This phrase has served me well from both points of view.
I know that at times I have fallen short on both ends too,
but it makes the worth of the statement have no less value.

"Junior Belts RESPECT Senior Belts - Senior Belts LOVE Junior Belts"

That is what was taught to me and that is what I try to teach to my students.
Hopefully, each generation that it gets handed down it will become more and more ingrained and effectively practiced.

Kathy Wiz


  1. I love this. Thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on your upcoming test! Something clicked for me in these words - thank you for the inspiration.
    Laura Probert
    2nd Dan with Gentle East Taekwondo, Maryland
