Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Don't Panic

Soke Dave McNeill wrote about a comment (beginning with "MOO" - just imagine my delight!) on my FaceBook post that announced yesterday's "Martial Arts and Martial Artists"  and he talked about the need for Martial Artists to have time in the process as a necessity as well... which I completely agree with, AND Aaron Piepmeier followed up about how his thoughts on the subject were becoming clearer and at some point in the future he would share them.
I encouraged Aaron to go ahead and post his thoughts, even if they weren't "fully formed," because essentially I hope that my thoughts and posts are always "works in progress" and not stagnant finalized concepts to be checked off and marked complete.
I realized as I was writing this (and the last several days blogs) that I always talk about one of the main components of being an "Artist" was the doing of that Art. In fact, I often gave the example of someone being a Writer because they write - not because anyone approves or publishes or even reads their works.  And, I even sometimes talked about how I had all these "books in my head" but since I never ever wrote them (or anything else of substance) down, they just stayed in my head, and therefore I could not call myself nor consider myself a Writer.
And then I got to thinking, hey look - I'm writing!  I'm actually doing it now!  Not my books, yet... but still, I am writing something now every day!
And I got to thinking about my particular form of writer's block, and realized that it was not about not having enough time - I mean I've successfully found a way to take time every day for the last (almost) 2 full months now - but more about the fear of actually setting something down.  And that brought me back to my comment to Aaron and why I think I'm o.k. (or at least more o.k.) with at least this current form of writing these days. 
I'm not writing FOR anyone in particular - other than myself.  I am kind of doing a daily "brain dump" of things I've thought a lot about and/or things I'm thinking about or going through now - the very day I write the post.  Also, the tool of MOO = My Opinion Only, has given me a freedom to express those thoughts and ideas without painting myself into a corner.  This is my opinion/thought/idea/concept and it could change with more information, experience, and even just the passage of time. 
It is a journey I'm taking right now and I'm sending "post" cards along the way.
And on the days when I think "What the hell am I going to write about today?" I've just ended up taking a breath and following a version of the advice on the picture above:
"Don't Panic - Keep Calm and JUST START Writing..."
So far so good it seems.
Kathy Wiz

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