Monday, May 9, 2016

Long Term TKD Goals

Long Term Tae Kwon Do Goals:

- Kukkiwon 8th Dan (current 7th Dan certificate dated 20 December 2011)
- continue training and growing and learning and achieve a TKD 9th Dan
- at least 5 of my students attaining their TKD 8th Dans
- a building on our back acre similar to "the Shed" out behind Soke Dave McNeill's home

These are things that have time frames longer than the 3 year limit of my current Short Term TKD goals, but are certainly objectives I would like to accomplish within the next 10 years.

Kathy Wiz


  1. I will be one of of those 5 ma'am! And would love to work out in "the Shed" asap!

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