Friday, May 27, 2016



It has been a tough week, and I'm especially happy today to celebrate:

According to the statistics provided by blogspot, my blog has had over 10,000 page views!

I accomplished one of the requirements I set out for myself way back in that very first post on February 1st when I stated that for my testing  "I'm going to lose between 15 and 25 pounds (targeting 20 as my main number) between now and 'then'..." As of this afternoon, when I got on the scales I've been using at home, I was exactly 15 pounds lighter!  I'm still shooting for my mark of 20, but I made 15-25 pound weight loss one of my "pass/fail" goals, so I'm super happy to have reached that mark today!

And finally, I'm in "Atlanta, Georgia" participating on the testing board of the black belt candidates who are part of Dacula Family Sports Tae Kwon Do.  Not only is it a privilege and a joy to visit with Master Stone and all his students, but Master Andrew Trento is also here!

It is always a balm for my heart to be around these talented and wonderful people.

Life is good.


Kathy Wiz

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