Saturday, May 14, 2016

My TKD logo/patch

This is my Tae Kwon Do patch.

Created for me by one of my students - Bill Roth back in the mid 90's.

The characters on the bottom right are Tae Kwon Do.

The tree on the left is from a tree of life gold necklace that I used to wear all the time - all the time...

The blue and red circle on the top is the Korean version of the Yin/Yang symbol and is the center piece of the South Korean flag.

The hills are the belt colors with a path cutting through and over the each hill continuing on past where we are able to see from where we stand.

The black out line symbolizing the structure and framing that the black belts provide.

And of course the path itself is a yellow brick road...

Kathy Wiz


  1. A journey towards uncertainty yet still being a challenge of life's ups and downs ����

  2. and we all know the Yellow Brick Road leads to..... The Wiz!
