Saturday, May 7, 2016

Short Term Goals

What are my Short Term Goals?

When I think about this question, one of the first things that occurs to me is that there are so many ways that I can go with the answer.
So first, let's set some parameters.

>>>  I'm talking about within the next 1 to 3 years.
>>> These are goals that are specifically related to Tae Kwon Do.

So, with that in mind, here are my current Short Term Goals

1) I want to achieve my 8th Dan in Tae Kwon Do and to continue to grow into truly being that rank.

2) I plan on creating a really great workout space for myself at my home.  Not sure yet if that means a basement remodel, or an addition in place of the existing back yard deck...

3) I want to be able to know and do all the traditional Tae Kwon Do patterns/forms  - WTF, ITF, TSD/MDK - up through at least 3rd Dan with an ease that speaks of lots of time spent on their practice and study.

4) I want to create and maintain some really good methodology for the "care and feeding" of my direct black belt students... both in the sense of scheduling in person visits/workouts AND by bridging the gap of limited space and time with technological resources.

5) I want to have written and had published at least one of the books about Tae Kwon Do that I have floating around up in my brain.

Kathy Wiz

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