Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Intentionally Fun Martial Arts Movies

While visiting Atlanta this weekend we got on the topic of martial arts movies and stayed up late Saturday night watching most of Remo Williams.

It made me think back to some of my favorite fun martial arts movies - you know, the ones that were intentionally meant to be funny...

Remo Williams - totally worth it for the training sequences, Chun's one liners, the future Captain Janeway, and the final line of the movie.

Kung Fu Hustle and Kung Pow - either could win the most cheesy award...

Pick really anything with Jackie Chan.  His were some of the first martial arts movies I ever remember seeing.  I LOVED the way he moved, his use of humor, and the way he always used his environment to his advantage.

And no list like this would be complete without Big Trouble in Little China.

I'm sure there are many more that I'm forgetting (I've got a few things on my mind at the moment) and others I've never even seen - what are some of yours?

Kathy Wiz