Thursday, June 9, 2016

A selfie

I took this picture (yeah yeah - I know I 'm not a very good selfie taker) moments before I walked out the door behind me to go to the Shed to my 8th Dan Testing.

It hit me at this very moment that I was literally getting ready to walk out of the one area, closing the door behind me - then go across a transitional kind of gravel pathway - to a different location to open another door on a brand new experience.

I was hoping to catch the feeling of the moment.  I was so nervous, excited, happy, and did I say nervous?

It is not often enough that we realize something big is happening, until we are deep into it, or it is already over.

Andrew Trento is always snapping pictures and saying "Documentation!"

I'm glad I took this one.  It is a snapshot of a moment in time. It is the moment actually captured that I realized I was about to go DO THIS...  It made me think of this blog and my very first post "Let's DO This!"

It feels kind of weird to think that there are 2 posts left and then this blog is done...
Writing a post every day since February 1st was way harder than I expected, but way more valuable too.

I began this martial arts journey, not on February 1st of this year, but way back on Monday, June 18th, 1979.  How awesome is it - and how blessed am I -  to *still* be learning SO much and *still* be as clearly nervous, excited, and happy as I am in the picture above?!?!?

Things have not turned out as I expected...
they turned out much better than I could have ever dreamed.

Love and Respect,
Kathy Wiz

1 comment:

  1. Awww! Teary eyed as I read this. The part that got me was that you were given so much more than you ever dreamed! That's a blessing! Xoxoxo
