Sunday, June 5, 2016

Reaching a Goal - or - So now what?

So this is how I felt yesterday.

Today, I'm REALLY tired and things are aching some.  : )

That's o.k. - in fact it's great!  It makes me ready to get back on the floor.  I'm teaching the weapons class here tomorrow in "the Shed" and I can't wait.

That's the big thing I've been thinking about today.  "What is next?"
I want to savor the moment and enjoy this and relax a little, but I part of doing that is getting back on the floor. There is so much I want to do - so much I want to work on.

In some ways things feel really different now.  I've never met a woman who held a rank higher than 7th Dan in any martial art, and now I do.  And that feels really big. I also felt better than I have in years out on the floor yesterday, but I know that I can and will do even better in the coming months.  I was happy with the testing Saturday - SO HAPPY - but not satisfied - definitely not done.  If anything, I am more motivated than ever to get out there and work on some things that I know can get better.

In other ways, I feel very much the same.  And in truth, how could I be so different from the person who stepped on the floor as a 7th Dan at 9:59 am yesterday morning?

So now what?

In terms of this blog, I will continue to post daily through June 11th.  That is what I agreed to do and I want to see it through.  Then, I will close this blog, and by that I mean that I will no longer create new posts - June 11th will be the last.

This blog has been about growing towards an 8th Dan.  Now that I'm there having just officially crossed over into that rank, I want to grow INTO it, so I'm considering creating a new blog "Growing INTO a TKD 8th Dan" - but right now I still have this one to finish, so we will see.

I've already posted my short term and long term goals, so there's also that ...

: )

Right now though, for the rest of this week - I'm going to focus on enjoying the view from this pinnacle, catch my breath, savor the accomplishment with my family and friends, and then start planning the ascent on the next summit.

Love and Respect,
Kathy Wiz

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