Sunday, April 17, 2016

Act / React

So very often for me, reacting to something is not only slower, it is thought-less... literally without thinking about it first.

We are all susceptible I believe to "knee-jerk" reactions - actions on our part that are "instant" responses to what someone else has done or said - actions with little or no thought behind them.

Being a "people pleaser" - I definitely find myself reacting more than I'd like and it is something that I'm working on.

Understand, the reaction - the action I default to - is not always the issue.  In fact, many times I think I might do the same even if I had taken the time to actually put thought into it...

It is the default response - the "automatedness" of it if you will - that bothers me.

I used to "take Sundays off" but had not done so consciously since before my mom passed almost three years ago.  So today, I took the day off to just chill and relax both physically and mentally.

Not because there was nothing to do. Not because I was so exhausted from the last (put whatever event or time frame you want in this space).  Not because I realized that I hadn't done so in a long time.

I took today "off" from my list of things to do, places to go, and people to see, be and/or talk with - because I wanted to and realized that I could do so without harming myself or others...

I chose and acted and feel better prepared to face the week ahead for having done so.

Kathy Wiz`

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