Tuesday, April 12, 2016


The belt colors I grew up with were:  white, yellow, green, blue, red, and then black.

The colors each had meanings associated with them, but what I remember most was my (then) instructor telling us that the ultimate goal would be to get back to white by working so hard as a black belt that we would be able to wear away all the black and get back to the purity of white.

Now that I am an older black belt myself, I've come to think that the ultimate color is actually gray.

When things are clear we talk about the issues being "black and white" - but when things are unclear we often say that it is a "gray area."

As a senior black belt both in age and rank, the way is not always clear.  Like a fog that you have to find your way through, figuring out which way to go and what the next "right step" might be is not always so easy.

Match with that the fact that there are age requirements - life experience needed - in order to advance and well... the gray hair is naturally there too!

So Gray is the color I'm working with these days, and I'm finding that it suits me.

Kathy Wiz

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