Thursday, April 14, 2016


Mount Everest in the Himalayas is the world's highest mountain from sea level.
Attempting to climb it has come to epitomize an extreme (to put it mildly) challenge.

I like to say that everyone has their own version of a Mount Everest type challenge, with the difficulty seeming to be almost insurmountable... even if it only feels that way to them.

Because while we obviously recognize that some things are a challenge to ANYONE regardless of age, ability, money, time, etc. - there are many things that one person might find really simple that to another would seem almost impossible and I'm sure visa versa.

I try to remember that when I am (or someone else is) struggling with what at first glance might seem to be an easy task or challenge.

Today on Facebook, there was the post about the person holding a glass of water and asking the group to guess how heavy it was.  The answer was that the glass seemed to get heavier and heavier the longer the person held it.

It reminds me that some things which seem really challenging might be so simply because I'm holding on too long - and in looking at others' challenges and progress to "Be kind and thoughtful, as you never know what someone might be carrying."

So when I look at something that seems just to be a small bump in my way, I'm going to work on taking the time to remember that it might be a much bigger obstacle to someone else.

And when I feel like I'm trying to climb Mount Everest (even if it just feels like that to me) I going to practice reminding myself that Mount Everest is an extremely tough climb, but that no one makes it up there by themselves and try to cut myself some slack and just keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep moving toward the summit.

Kathy Wiz

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