Sunday, February 28, 2016


Why am I writing this blog?
Originally... wait... let me go back and reread that first post... brb!

OK I'm back... (just wanted to double check - it has been 27 days since I wrote that first post.)

So originally I said I'd write a blog every day to keep myself on track and accountable until June 11th - which I still hope will be a date that will work for a formal testing panel - but we'll see...

What I've found is that the process itself is making things better.  It is forcing me to take some time EVERY day to focus on my Tae Kwon Do (and martial arts in general) journey.

Tomorrow is the last day of February - a "bonus" February day.
Originally I would have been like REALLY?!?! an extra day in the month?
Like it isn't hard enough already to write something every day - I had to get a year that has an extra day in it?!?!     : )
But now - where I am at this moment, today - I'm neither excited about the extra day opportunity nor frustrated that there is "more" to do, "more" to write.

Tomorrow is tomorrow - whatever date is attached to it.
I'll be writing tomorrow anyway whether it was March 1st or (as is the case) February 29th.
It is the next step along this "Growing" journey that I'm choosing and HAPPY to be doing.

"Change is the only changeless state." I believe that I first heard this Bruce Lee quote from Master Cat Fitzgerald at a seminar.

Master Andrew Trento has also told me that the theme for this year is movement...

"An object in motion, tends to stay in motion.  An object at rest, tends to stay at rest."  - Newton

I'm still here.  I'm still writing - but it's changing at least in my mind from an obligation to an opportunity - and I like that change.

Kathy Wiz


  1. Thank you for your dedication to writing this... I am sure there are days (nights) when you'd rather be doing something else. Your words are thought-provoking and appreciated.
